Wii Sports Wiki

If you're looking for the Mii from the Wii with the same name, go to Matt (Wii).

HEYimHeroic 3DS FACE-053 Matt
Title Boxing Beginner (Wii Sports Club)
Gender Male
Favorite Color Black
Country Flag of North America North America
Level Tennis: Level ★10

Baseball: Level ★10

Boxing: Level 1

Average: Level ★4

CPU Rank Expert Difficulty

Matt is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U.

Wii Sports Club[]

In Tennis and Baseball, Matt is a top Pro at Level ★10.

However, in Boxing, he is the beginner, being at Level 1.

Wii Party U[]

In Wii Party U, Matt is in Expert Difficulty.

  • In Lap Happy, he is in 3rd place with a time of 0:34.20.
  • In Dojo Domination Standard difficulty, he is in 3rd place with 20 Miis defeated.
  • In Puzzle Blockade:
    • He and Eduardo hold 3rd place with a time of 1:05.00 on the 3rd stage.
    • He and Sophia hold 3rd place on the 4th stage with a time of 1:05.00.
    • He and Zi-Kai hold 3rd place on the 11th stage with a time of 1:35.00.
    • On the 19th stage, Matt and Paula hold 3rd place with a time of 2:05.00.
      • In that same stage, he and Alice also hold 4th place with a time of 2:08.00.
    • He and Xixi hold 3rd place on the 25th stage with a time of 4:05.00.
    • He and Jesús hold 3rd place on the 28th stage with a time of 4:05.00.

Names in Different Languages[]

Russian: Мэтт (M•ett)

Japanese: マット (Matto)

Korean: 맷 (Maet)

Chinese: (S) 马特 / (T) 馬特 (Mǎ tè / ㄇㄚˇㄊㄜˋ m ǎ t è / maa5 dak6)

(His Russian, Japanese, and Chinese names are identical to another Mii's Russian, Japanese, and Chinese names respectively.)

(His Russian and Korean names are pronounced the same.)

(His Russian name declines based on grammatical context. The declensions are as follows:)

  • (nom. Мэтт (M•ett) / acc. Мэтта (M•etta) / gen. Мэтта (M•etta) / pre. Мэтте (M•ette) / dat. Мэтту (M•ettu) / ins. Мэттом (M•ettom))


  • According to the Wii Sports Club files, Matt's Internal ID is 053.
  • Matt is the beginner at Boxing. Ironically, the Wii Sports Mii of the same name is the Boxing champion in that game.
    • To add more to the irony, Matt is one of the top players in both Baseball and Tennis while the same Matt from Wii Sports is one of the worst players in those sports.
  • He appears in Splatoon 1 as an Inkling.
  • Matt is right-handed. Ironically, the other Mii named Matt from the Wii is left-handed.
  • In the data files of Miitopia, he is listed as Young.
  • Matt was featured in a promotional video for Super Mario Maker 2's Course World. In it, he has a course named Rocky Wrench's Airship Antics.
    • The course description is also shown in the same video, his course description says, "I used the Custom Scroll feature in this one."
    • In the same promotional video, Matt's nationality is revealed: He is shown to be North American.
  • Matt's Mii data file shows that he has unused Mii data. He has facial hair, and it is set to blond instead of the default black color. This might mean that he was originally going to have facial hair that supports color, but it was removed.
  • His height and weight values are both set to default (64).
  • Matt is one of four Expert Difficulty CPU Miis in Wii Party U (the other three being Dunbar, Eduardo, and Jesús) to hold default rankings with an Advanced Difficulty CPU Mii (the CPU Mii being Alice.).


Wii Sports Club / Wii Party U