Wii Sports Wiki

If you're looking for the Mii from the Wii U with the same name, go to Kentaro (Wii U/3DS).

HEYimHeroic 3DS FACE-008 Kentaro-Wii
Title N/A
Gender Male
Favorite Color Forest Green
Country Flag of Japan Japan
Level Tennis: 670 to 700

Baseball: 113 to 276

Boxing: 54 to 224

Swordplay: 701 to 705

Basketball: 116 to 120

Table Tennis: 1271 to 1275 (PRO)

Cycling: 94th out of 98

Average: 488+

Percentile: 28.66%

CPU Rank Expert Difficulty

Kentaro [ken.tä.rō] is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Party.

Wii Sports[]

In Tennis, he is good, at around 670 to 700 in skill level, and he plays with either Steve or Silke.

In Baseball, he is terrible, being the 6th worst player, with a skill level of around 113 to 276. He has a team consisting of himself, Matt, Akira, Luca, Emma, Elisa, Abby, Jessie, and Silke. As well as playing on the first 9 teams, he also appears on the teams of Misaki, Fumiko, Martin, Chris, and Oscar.

In Boxing, he is also terrible, being the 3rd worst player, with a skill level of around only 54 to 224.

Wii Sports Resort[]

In Wii Sports Resort, Kentaro's skill levels improve slightly, besides Basketball and Cycling.

In Swordplay, Kentaro is pretty good. He is the first player in the 700s, with a skill level of 701 to 705.

He is a high Pro in Table Tennis, however, being the 16th best player, with a skill level of 1271 to 1275. His shots are deceptively fast, as he sometimes hit quickly, giving not enough time to react. However, he is not too fast whenever a player is stunned.

He is very bad at Basketball, being the 8th worst player, with a skill level of only 116 to 120. His team consists of Cole and Eddy.

He is the 5th worst cyclist in Cycling, coming in 94th out of 98.

Armors Kentaro uses in Swordplay Showdown[]

Stage Armor
Bridge N/A
Lighthouse Green Armor
Beach Gold Armor
Mountain N/A
Forest Green Armor
Ruins Green Armor
Waterfall Green Armor
Cliffs Green Armor
Castle N/A
Volcano Gold Armor
Bridge Reverse N/A
Lighthouse Reverse Gold Armor
Beach Reverse N/A
Mountain Reverse N/A
Forest Reverse Gold Armor
Ruins Reverse Gold Armor
Waterfall Reverse N/A
Cliffs Reverse N/A
Castle Reverse Gold Armor
Volcano Reverse Gold Armor
  • In Swordplay Showdown, he only appears in either Green or Gold Armor. He shares this trait with Akira.
    • Therefore, he never appears in Red, Purple, or Black Armor, and only has one heart.
  • He appears in Green Armor in stages 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
  • He appears in Gold Armor in stages 3, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, and 20.
    • He is the very last rival to shares Miguel's movement in stage 20 and the last male rival to do so.
  • He is aggressive in stages 15 and 19.

Wii Party[]

In Wii Party, Kentaro is in Expert Difficulty.

Wii Music[]

  • In his Wii Music artwork, he plays the Taiko Drum.

Names in Different Languages[]

Japanese: けんたろう (Kentarō)

Korean: 덕진 (Deok-jin/"Duk-jin")

Chinese: 军豪 (Jūnháo)

(His Japanese name is identical to another Mii's Japanese name.)

(The romanization of his Japanese name is similar to his English name, but with a macron accent above the O.)


  • According to a file in the September 2020 Nintendo leak about CPU Miis, Kentaro's nationality is Japanese.
  • According to the Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort files, Kentaro's Internal ID is 008.
  • According to the Wii Music files, Kentaro's Internal ID is 48.
    • Going by ID, he was the second to last male Wii Sports Mii to be added to Wii Music.
  • According to his data file in Wii Music, Kentaro's Mii ID is 80-4f-95-c8 and his console ID is c2-3d-21-af.
    • According to his Mii ID, Kentaro was created on August 30, 2006, at 11:12:32 AM.
      • This means he was the forty-ninth Wii Sports CPU Mii to be created during the game development.
  • Kentaro is ambidextrous because he is left-handed in Tennis, Table Tennis, Basketball, and Baseball pitching, but is right-handed in Baseball batting.
    • According to the files in Wii Sports, his unused Boxing stance is left-handed.
  • In the internal files for Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, Kentaro's nickname is けんた (Kenta).
    • A possibility is that his name was originally going to be Kenta during development, but it was changed to Kentaro before the final release.
  • In Wii Play: Motion, he can be seen playing Jump Park - Time Attack.
  • He is seen playing Spin-Off on the Wii Party box art with Saburo, Miyu, and Keiko.


Wii Sports / Wii Party

