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If you're looking for the Mii from Wii Music with the same name, go to John (Wii Music).

HEYimHeroic 3DS FACE-048 John
Title N/A
Gender Male
Favorite Color Black
Country Flag of Unknown Unknown
Level Tennis: Level 6

Baseball: Level 6

Boxing: Level ★4

Average: Level 9

CPU Rank Master Difficulty

John is a CPU Mii in Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U.

Wii Sports Club[]

In Tennis and Baseball, John is fair, with a Grade of 6.

In Boxing, he is a great Pro, with a Grade of ★4.

Wii Party U[]

In Wii Party U, John is in Master Difficulty.

  • In Moonbase Escape, he appears in 1st place with a record of 0:09.00.
  • In 4-Player Button Smashers, he, Faustine, Araceli, and Daisuke hold 2nd place with 30 points.
  • In Dojo Domination Beginner difficulty, he is in 2nd place with 30 Miis defeated with 2 lives left.
  • In Puzzle Blockade:
    • He and Barbara hold 1st place on the 4th stage with a time of 1:00.00.
    • He and Araceli hold 1st place on the 6th stage with a time of 1:00.00.
    • He and Barbara once again hold 1st place on the 11th stage, albeit with a time of 1:30.00.
    • He and Yuehua hold 1st place on the 13th stage with a time of 2:00.00.
    • He and Jianjun hold 1st place on the 16th stage with a time of 2:00.00.
    • He and Clara hold 1st place on the 21st stage with a time of 2:00.00.
    • He and Araceli once again hold 1st place on the 24th stage with a time of 2:00.00.
    • He and Bo-Jia hold 1st place on the 27th stage with a time of 4:00.00.
    • He and Faustine hold 1st place on the 30th stage with a time of 4:00.00.
  • John holds the most 1st Places in Wii Party U overall, with him being in 1st Place in Moonbase Escape, and 9 stages in Puzzle Blockade with Barbara (Elena) (In Stages 4 and 11), Araceli (In Stages 6 and 24), Yuehua (In Stage 13), Jianjun (In Stage 16), Clara (In Stage 21), Bo-Jia (In Stage 27), and Faustine (In Stage 30), thus making him the best Mii in Wii Party U by skill.

Names in Different Languages[]

Russian: Джон (Dzhon)

Japanese: ジョン (Jon)

Korean: 존 (Jon)

Chinese: (S) 约翰 / (T) 約翰 (Yuēhàn / ㄩㄝㄏㄢˋ yu ēh h àn / joek3 hon6)

(His Japanese and Korean names are identical to another Mii's Japanese and Korean names respectively.)

(The romanizations of his Japanese and Korean names are identical to each other.)

(His Russian name declines based on grammatical context. The declensions are as follows:)

  • (nom. Джон (Dzhon) / acc. Джона (Dzhona) / gen. Джона (Dzhona) / pre. Джоне (Dzhone) / dat. Джону (Dzhonu) / ins. Джоном (Dzhonom))


  • According to the Wii Sports Club files, John's Internal ID is 048.
  • He appears in Splatoon 2 as an Octoling.
  • In the data files of Miitopia, he is listed as Young.
  • John is right-handed.
  • His Mii data file shows that even though he doesn't wear glasses or has a mustache, he doesn't use the default values for them; the mustache and glasses are both moved down by one stage. This might be a remnant of an earlier design for him.
  • His height value is set to 91 and his weight value is set at default (64).
  • In Wii Party U, John appears as Player 3 in the preview video for Dance with Mii.
  • He also appears in the preview videos for Snap Judgement and Pose Pros.


Wii Sports Club / Wii Party U