Wii Sports Wiki

Not to be confused with Island Cycling from the Wii Fit series.


Kurt cycling in Wii Sports Resort.

Cycling is one of the 12 games available to play in Wii Sports Resort. The main gameplay mechanic is the alternate movement of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, up and down to accelerate, and turning the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to steer. The player has three hearts, indicating their energy, and if they lose all their hearts, they have to take a break, leaving them unable to pedal briefly.

Road Race[]

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Gabriele and Alisha about to race in the Road Race on a tandem bike.

Road Race consists of your Mii racing in a single race, a three-stage race, or a six-stage race, throughout different parts of the island.

The 1-stage races starts off with you being in 30th place (last place), the 3-stage races with you in 50th place, and the 6-stage race with you in 100th place. Your goal is to overtake cyclists in front of you to make it to the first position.

When playing the 3-stage races and the 6-stage race, the position achieved from the previous stage is brought forward. (Example: If you finished the previous stage in 17th place, you will start the next stage in 17th place again.)

During the race, Vincenzo gives you advice, while James makes sure you start at the right time. As a result, neither of them are seen as opponents in the race. Because of this, a Nintendo-generated Mii appears in 99th place in the 6-stage race.


James is the referee in Cycling.

You can have two players in this mode, where they uniquely share a tandem bike, and both players get their own hearts, making a total of six. These are the only changes for two-player mode.


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Stéphanie and Miguel are about to go against each other in VS.

VS requires exactly two human players to play. They, along with a few random CPU Miis, once again excluding James and Vincenzo (although he does not advise in this mode), race each other to the finish line across Wuhu Island.

There are the same 6 courses around Wuhu Island in total. When racing, the players are joined by 3 other random CPU Miis. These CPUs tend to be balanced in skill level, (For example, when Anna is racing alongside the players, she will most likely be joined by Pablo and Naomi because they balance out her skill level.) While this may not be exactly accurate, it is a rough idea of how the VS system works.

The race ends in an instant when one of the two human players gets to the finish line, and that player wins, even if a CPU Mii finished before them.


  • If you press up, down, left, or right on the D-pad, you can change views.
  • By swinging both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk up at the same time, your Mii will begin to do a wheelie.
  • By swinging both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to the side, your Mii will begin to drift/power slide. If you boost just before a turn, you can potentially cut off most of a turn or corner, although it does run the risk of crashing into a wall if done too early.
  • You can initiate a wheelie during a drift and vice versa.
  • Sometimes there will be a banana peel, rock, or small oil spill in the middle of the path. Make sure you avoid them at all costs!

Mii Positions[]

Pro Class[]





Non-Pro Class[]









A Nintendo-generated Mii (99th), You (the player) (100th)

Not Racing: James (referee), Vincenzo (coach)

Examples of Nintendo-generated CPUs:[]

1-Stage Races[]

Around the Island[]


"Ride around the island, ending in a long slope down to the finish line."

Key Points[]

How to Unlock[]

Already unlocked from the start.

To the Beach[]


"Race on every surface: concrete in town, mud by the river, and sand on the beach."

Key Points[]

  • Start (on the left side of the Wishing Fountain)
  • The Wishing Fountain (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • The Footbridge (also known as the Bridge under the Falls)
  • Sugarsand Beach
  • Through the arch in Camel Rock
  • Goal (a bit south-west of The Cocoba Hotel)

How to Unlock[]

Already unlocked from the start.

Across the Bridge (NTSC)/ Wobbly Bridge (PAL)[]


"Ride a tough circuit up Heartbreak Peak, by the Hilltop Overlook, and across the Swaying Bridge."

Key Points[]

How to Unlock[]

Already unlocked from the start.

Over Talon Rock (NTSC)/Icarus Bluff (PAL)[]


"Catch air off Talon Rock, then ride through town and up a long hill."

Key Points[]

  • Start (in the middle of Evergreen Grove)
  • Talon Rock
  • Uphill Stretch (to the southeast of The Candle)
  • Wuhu Island Loop Tunnel 2 (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Cabana Lagoon (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Mysterious Ruins (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Wuhu Island Loop Tunnel 1 (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Goal (by the Cocoba Hotel)

How to Unlock[]

Unlocked by playing a 1-stage race three times (doesn't matter which race you do, can be one of them all, or all of them.)

Up the Volcano[]


"Ride from Red Iron Bridge to mountain caverns; tour different sides of the island. Watch out for the edge on the mountain roads!"

Key Points[]

How to Unlock[]

Unlocked by playing a 1-stage race five times (like Over Talon Rock, it doesn't matter which race you do).

Into Maka Wuhu (NTSC)/Crater Core (PAL)[]


"Ride through the center of the Maka Wuhu volcano all the way down the mountain. Don't look down!"

Key Points[]

  • Start (by Summerstone Castle)
  • Cedar-Tree Tunnel (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Volcano (Lava Monument)
  • Mountain Monument (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Cobbled Bridge (by Summerstone Falls)
  • Duckling Lake (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Path by Mountain Hikers (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Slippery Bridge (inside Heart of Maka Wuhu)
  • Weathered Monument (name not shown on the overview Map)
  • Goal (by Wishing Fountain)

How to Unlock[]

Unlocked by playing a 1-stage race seven times (like Over Talon Rock and Up the Volcano, it doesn't matter which race you do).

3-Stage Races[]

3-Stage Race A[]

Contains Around the Island, To the Beach, and Across the Bridge

3-Stage Race B[]

Contains Over Talon Rock, Up the Volcano, and Into Maka Wuhu

6-Stage Race[]

6-Stage Race[]

Contains all the races in a circuit.

Vincenzo's Tips[]


  • "You're running out of breath! Don't overdo it!" (when the player is down to one heart)
  • "Try to ride behind the cyclist in front of you to draft them."
  • "That's it! Save energy by drafting behind the cyclist in front of you!"
  • "You're halfway there!"
  • "Almost there!"
  • "Wait for the right time and then sprint for the finish line!" (when approaching the finish line)
  • "You're almost there!" (in 1st place)
  • "They're catching up! Stay focused!" (in 1st place, when approaching the finish line)
  • "Nice job!" (finish)

Around the Island[]

  • "Watch out for the strong crosswind as you get out of the tunnel!"
  • "There's a long, winding hill up ahead. Keep your energy up!"
  • "There's a strong crosswind blowing out to the sea. Be careful!"

To the Beach[]

  • "There's a sharp turn up ahead. Press B or Z to slow down."
  • "The course goes over a small cliff up ahead. Don't worry—keep riding!"
  • "There's a strong tailwind pushing you along. Nice to have a break, eh?"

Across the Bridge/Wobbly Bridge[]

  • "There's a series of small turns up ahead. Steer carefully."
  • "This is Heartbreak Peak! It can live up to its name, so take it easy!"
  • "Sharp turn to the left! Press B and Z together to hit the brakes!"

Over Talon Rock/Icarus Bluff[]

  • "Talon Rock is just around the corner! Don't hesitate—just ride straight off!"
  • "If you take this right turn carefully, you can do it without braking."
  • "There are more hills ahead. There's a ways to go, so save your energy."

Up the Volcano[]

  • "Pedal hard! You might get up Red Iron Bridge in one shot."
  • "You're entering the town. Is anyone you know cheering for you?"
  • "Behind the waterfall is a long, uphill tunnel. Save your energy!"
  • "There are no barriers here, so be careful not to fall off the edge!"

Into Maka Wuhu/Crater Core[]

  • "It's still a little way up the hill."
  • "You're inside the volcano! Good thing those barriers are there."
  • "It's all downhill from here. Use your brakes to control your speed!"
  • "There's a sharp turn just after the bridge. Don't be caught off guard!"
  • "Turn right and cross the small bridge across the river. Don't fall off!"


Last Gasp (NTSC)/Breathless (PAL)[]


Finish a race when you're out of breath.

This doesn't deserve much in the way of congratulations, but oh well...

First of Many[]


Finish a race in 1st place for the first time to get this stamp.

It doesn't matter which race you do it on.

1-Stage Master[]


Finish all 1-stage races in first place.

3-Stage Master[]


Finish both 3-stage races in first place.

You only have to finish first in the last stage for both.

6-Stage Master[]


Finish the 6-Stage race in first place.

Like the 3-stage races, you only have to finish first on the last stage, so you can work your way to the front gradually.


  • Occasionally, during any random race (though not in VS. mode), some CPU Miis may have a pizza box on the back of their bike.

    Takashi with a pizza box on the back of his bike.

  • TyronePizzaBox

    Tyrone with a pizza box on his bike.

    The start of the next race is the end of the one before it. (e.g.: The start of To the Beach is the end of Around the Island).
  • When the player has one heart, the background music changes from a smooth (legato) style to a short (staccato) style.
  • The street in Around the Island and Over Talon Rock has the name of the players written on it.
    20200503 075845

    VS. (It says Misaki VS. Hiromasa)

    20200503 075427

    Two player Road Race (It says Holly Giovanna)

    20200503 074731

    Single Player Road Race (It says Miyu)

  • This is the only sport where Miis may appear in different positions than usual (Alisha may appear in 1st, Midori may appear in 49th or Anna may appear in 5th).
  • This is the only sport to have a randomly generated Mii as an opponent, but only in the 6-stage race.
  • When Vincenzo says "Almost there!" or "You're almost there!", the music changes, and becomes more harmonic.
  • Sometimes, when the player gets near 1st place, somebody other than Anna will be in 1st place (Ian, Tomoko, Alisha, Fritz, Miguel, etc.).
  • On the 1-Stage Race (30 cyclists), you mostly go against Miis in PRO Class, but there are times when some Miis that aren't marked as PROs will appear (Ryan, Midori, Gabriele, etc.). This could possibly say that they may be sometimes PRO, but there is no actual confirmation of it.
  • On the map overview and results screens, the camera can be controlled: the Nunchuck's control stick will zoom in and out, left and right on the Wiimote's D-Pad will change the rotation direction or speed it up, and up and down on the D-Pad will angle the camera up or down.
    • They can also hold 1 to hide underground portions of the route, hold 2 to hide the entire route, and press B to make the camera follow the route from start to finish.
    • This is the only sport in Wii Sports Resort where CPU'S compete in that don't have skill levels.
    • Whilst the route is still being plotted, they can hold A to speed it up.
  • The player can still pop wheelies after crossing the finish line. If they place in a top position (at least 5th), their Mii shall raise their arms in triumph instead, and the crowd will cheer.
    • If they finish the race whilst out of energy, they will be unable to cheer even after regaining it.
  • Typically, getting 1st in a 1-stage race shall award +50 skill points, 1st in a 3-stage race awards +100, and 1st in the 6-stage race awards +200.
    • Starting at around the 1700-point mark, the player can no longer gain skill in 1-stage races: getting 1st will add +0 skill, keeping it the same.

Proof of Eduardo being the Cycling Coach and 4-player Road Race.

  • In a leaked design document, a picture of Eduardo is the Cycling Coach. This could mean that Eduardo was planned to be the original Cycling Coach, but it was changed to Vincenzo.
    • There are also 4 Miis on the bike, which could mean that there was originally going to be a 4-player option for Road Race, but is unknown.

