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Beach is the third stage in Swordplay Showdown. There are 17 Green Armored Miis, 13 Gold Armored Miis, 4 Red Armored Miis, and a Boss Mii Miguel.







Miguel (Level 941-945)




Green Armor

Gold Armor

Red Armor

Black Armor (boss only)

Other variant

Beach Reverse






Green Armored[]

Gold Armored[]

*Alex, Michael, and Kentaro defend vertically at initial.

Red Armored[]

Black Armored Boss[]

  • Miguel (obese)



  • Since James is the first Red Armored Mii to encounter in this stage, mindlessly swinging and hoping that it hits successfully does not work. Find the open spot to attack. If you are stunned, then you need to master yourself on blocking without losing a heart.
    • This also applies to all red Armored Miis in this stage because they are defensive and attack if you are stunned.
  • The boss of this stage, Miguel, does not block at all when he reaches the player. Instead, he drags his sword across the sand.
    • He does block when he spawns in, but the second he gets really close to the player, he stops for some reason, making him a very easy enemy to take down.
    • He does share the same moveset of Gold Armored Miis in some reverse stages (specifically Stage 14 and Stage 11 Gold Armored Miis, except Pablo and Stéphanie, as well as a number of Gold Armored Miis in Stage 20).
      • These type of Miis are fairly easy to defeat since they do not block themselves like Green Armored Miis, except that they attack frequently.

Power Cruising[]

This stage also appears as a course in Power Cruising. It is the first course in the game.


  • This stage appears in the preview for Swordplay Showdown as you can see Guest A on the beach fighting Holly, Jessie, and Ian.
    • However, in the actual stage, Ryan appears next to Holly and Jessie instead as Ian is the Boss of Stage 14 (Mountain Reverse). This could mean Ryan was originally going to be a Boss and Ian was going to be a normal fighter, but the two were swapped for the final release, or Ian could simply be there for promotional purposes.
  • Abe, Alex, Andy, Chika, Eddy, Eva, James, Martin, Megan and Ren all make their first appearance on this stage.
  • If you listen closely, your Mii's steps can be audibly heard. The defeated rivals' landing can also be audibly heard. Its reverse variant also applies.